OK, here goes!
Firstly, when you try doing survfit(mysurv ~ x1)
and get a total mess it is probably because x1
is continuous or at least takes lots of different values. You are telling R to calculate separate Kaplan-Meier curves for each value of x1
and if you have multiple variables, e.g., mysurv ~ x1 + x2 + x3
it will attempt to make a separate curve for each possible combination of different values.
The most common approach to investigating whether a variable has an important effect on the survival time is through the Cox proportional hazards model. This assumes that each dependent variable scales the hazard rate by a constant amount for all time. It is important to realise that the proportional hazards assumption doesn't always hold, or sometimes it holds but only with time-varying covariates, etc.
The sort of command you want to do is: coxph(my.surv ~ x1 + x2 + as.factor(x3))
where x1
and x2
are metric variables (discrete or continuous) and x3
is a categorical variable.
You will then get an output similar to (I took an example dataset bfeed
from library(KMsurv)
coxph(formula = my.surv ~ agemth + as.factor(race))
coef exp(coef) se(coef) z p
agemth -0.00196 0.998 0.0133 -0.148 0.8800
as.factor(race)2 0.10881 1.115 0.1031 1.056 0.2900
as.factor(race)3 0.25295 1.288 0.0930 2.721 0.0065
Likelihood ratio test=7.65 on 3 df, p=0.0538 n= 927, number of events= 892
You could interpret these results in the following way:
- The coefficient for
(mother's age in months) is only slightly negative and its z-score is very close to zero, therefore mother's age in months is not a good linear predictor of hazard (we might want to investigate further for other possible relationships)
- Race appears to be a plausible predictor of hazard, such that the hazard rate for ceasing breast feeding is higher for women with race coded 2 or 3
The Akaike Information Criterion is calculated as $AIC = -2 \log{L} + 2p$ where $L$ is the likelihood and $p$ is the number of parameters in the model. A lower AIC suggests a better model. For the above model the AIC is $-2\times (-5187.290) + 2\times 3 = 10380.58$.
You could then look at removing agemth
as a predictor:
coxph(formula = my.surv ~ as.factor(race))
coef exp(coef) se(coef) z p
as.factor(race)2 0.111 1.12 0.1024 1.08 0.2800
as.factor(race)3 0.254 1.29 0.0925 2.75 0.0059
Likelihood ratio test=7.63 on 2 df, p=0.0221 n= 927, number of events= 892
Now we obtain an AIC of $-2\times(-5187.301) + 2\times 2 = 10378.602$, which is lower than the AIC with agemth
as a predictor. This suggests that the model without agemth
is superior, but obviously there would be much more investigation to be done!
Once you have settled on a model you should really check whether proportional hazards is a valid assumption: I point you to http://www.ats.ucla.edu/stat/examples/asa/test_proportionality.htm
Finally you asked about predictions about new data. Assuming a Cox proportional hazards model you can make predictions about median survival, or probability of survival at a certain point in time, or the restricted mean survival. You cannot make predictions about mean survival without making some assumption about how survival extrapolates beyond the data you already have. If you do make some assumption along those lines then you can use predict.survreg
but assuming you do not want to make such an assumption...
You can construct Kaplan-Meier curves based on the proportional hazards model by using survfit(my.coxph, newdata=data.frame(race=c(1,2,3)))
, which will give you predicted median survival plus summary(survfit(...))
for the Kaplan-Meier tables and plot(survfit(...))
for Kaplan-Meier graphs.
If you want any more detail or help I will need to see your data and understand your question more, but I hope this has been helpful!
(Original response)
You will probably want to look at Cox proportional hazards models, which are included in the survival library you have already loaded.
You will need to do something like Surv(data) ~ x1 + x2
but i can't remember syntax off the top of my head.
EDIT+ You test for significance by comparing proportional hazards coefficients to zero or hazard ratios (the former exponentiated) to one, or by comparing models with different numbers of parameters by Akaike Information Criterion.
There is also prediction functionality if you create a new data frame with desired covariates.
If you want to extrapolate to mean survival you will need to make parametric assumptions about survival, e.g., exponential survival.
If you want the answer fleshed out and tidied up you will have to wait till tomorrow :)