Even a simple least squares cubic fit to $\log(\Phi(x))$ values for $x$ between -5 and 0 seems to be fairly adequate.
Just to get a quick sense of it I generated $x$ values every 0.01 between -5 and 0, and tried least squares cubic and quintic (5th degree) polynomial fits to $\log_2(\Phi(x))$. I presume you can do that as easily as I did, so I won't labor the point.
The maximum absolute error in $\log_2(\Phi(x))$ for the quintic is $5.2\times 10^{-4}$, which occurs at zero.
[It's not completely clear what you mean by "within 0.2 + 10% or so". If you could elaborate so as to make your criterion explicit, then I could address that in detail, and maybe adjust the weights to better optimize your criterion.]
When evaluating polynomials, if speed matters, you should keep Horner's method in mind.
As cardinal suggested, the plot is quite illustrative. Since I'd already generated one, I should have put it here:
Here's the (signed) error (absolute scale error in the logs):
it looks much as we might expect for a least squares fit. The lack of fit is pretty moderate; for many purposes that would be fine.
An alternative is you can flip the Karagiannidis & Lioumpas approximation (see here) for the upper tail around to the lower tail (by replacing $x$ by $-x$ in their formula) and taking logs:
$$Q(x)\approx\frac{\left( 1-e^{-1.4x}\right) e^{-\frac{x^{2}}{2}}}{1.135\sqrt{2\pi}x}, x >0 $$
So we get
$$\ln(\Phi(x))\approx \ln(1-e^{1.4x})-\ln(-x) -\frac{x^2}{2} - 1.04557$$
to get base 2 logs, you just multiply the result by $\log_2(e)$
This is less accurate than the quintic fit I mentioned, and likely slower to evaluate because of the logs and exponentiation. Still, it's nice and short, which has some advantages. Note that it wasn't designed for the log-scale.
The original paper has K&L's Equation 6 as:
$$\frac{(1-e^{-Ax}) e^{-x^2}}{B\sqrt{\pi}x}\approx\text{erfc}(x)$$
For $x$ values on the range [0,20] they suggest $A=1.98$ and $B=1.135$.
Dividing $x$ through by $\sqrt{2}$ to obtain $Q$, that suggests the formula on the Wikipedia page ($1.98/\sqrt{2}\approx 1.40007$)
Let's look at the quality of the approximation on the log-scale.
The purple dashed line is the K&L approximation. Now let's look at the error:
The size of the error gets quite a bit larger than our quintic. The fact that it's nearly linear in $x$ at the left half of the range suggests that we might improve the error by adding about $0.02x$ or $0.025x$ to the formula in the logs - but this would make the approximation a little worse for values near -1. Whether one would do that depends on what characteristics are desired.