I have to assess for each product p, the odds ratio associated (success/failure). The data are in this table:
N_success N_trials p1 p2 p3 p4 p5
5 310 n n n n n
17 700 n y n n y
12 650 y y y n n
27 214 n y n n y
0 87 n n n y n
So I did that and I got the odds ratios for each plus the 95% asymptotic confidence intervals:
p1= (0.2558322 0.48442194 0.91725993)
p2= (1.1584454 2.9114056 7.316946)
p3= (0.2558322 0.48442194 0.91725993)
p4= nil
p5= (1.738197 3.0642326 5.4018736)
Now is this correct way to assess? There are at least two situations where the lower 95% CI of the OR is above 1 (p2 and p4) but should I not take into account multiple comparisons? What is the best way to do that with odds ratios (Bonferroni, others)? Is it better to use logistic regressions (and how)? Thanks