I have a table of similarities (cosines) and I clustered it with the Ward method. Great outcomes, a wonderful dendogram, but then I tried to evaluate the quality of this cluster solution and I got stuck.
First: identifying the number of clusters in my data (cause in Ward is not like k-means where you have to set a precise number of clusters). I calculated the sum of squares (see attachment) to see how many clusters are there, but there isn't a proper "elbow" in the data, so how many clusters shall I consider?
Second: trying to calculate the purity of the clustering (with the tool CluTo), by indicating 4, 5, 6, 7... clusters, I can see that the purity increases the more clusters I indicate. Of course. If the number of clusters equals the number of instances of my data, then purity is 1 (the maximum). dah.
Any suggestion on how to report this? (number of clusters? quality of the clustering solution?)
Great outcomes, a wonderful dendogram
Ward's method always gives pleasant dendrograms, even if there is hardly any clusters in the data. $\endgroup$