I am writing a naive bayes classifier for a text classification problem. I have a bunch of words and an associated label:
[short,snippet,text], label1
[slightly,different,snippet,text], label2
I am able to train the naive bayes fine. However, when I am classifying unseen data, sometimes there are unseen features (words). In that case, what happens to the naive bayes formula to determine the probability of a class $C$ given features $F_1,F_2,...$?
$$P(C|F_1,F_2,...) = \frac{P(F_1,F_2,...|C)P(C)}{P(F_1,F_2,...)} = \frac{P(C)\prod_{i}P(F_i|C)}{P(F_1,F_2,...)}$$
Say feature $F_k$ never occured in the training data, then isn't $P(F_k|C)=\frac{0}{0}$?
How is this typically handled in classification problems?
One option is to simply ignore unseen features. However, I would not like to do that, since I am trying to calculate the actual probability score associated with classes. Probabilities should take a hit when there are unseen features, but I am not sure how to do that mathematically.
Any insights, links to reseach articles, etc would really help! Thanks in advance.