I'm working on calculating bootstrap confidence intervals for Weir & Cokerham's Fst. I want to use the percentile-t method as described in this paper.
I'm calculating the $F_{st}$ value between two sub-populations in the single allele, mulitple loci case as: $$ \hat \theta_W = \frac {\sum \limits_l a_l}{\sum \limits_l (a_l + b_l + c_l)} $$
as described in Weir & Cockerham's 1984 paper.
My current plan is to estimate the variance of $\hat \theta$ by jackknifing over the loci: $$ var(\hat \theta) \mathrel{\hat{=}} \frac {m - 1} {m} \sum \limits_{L = 1}^{m} (\hat \theta_{(L)} - \frac {1} {m} \sum \limits_{L = 1}^{m} \hat \theta_{(L)})^2 $$
where $\hat \theta_{(L)}$ is the estimate of $\hat \theta$ obtained by omitting locus $L$ and $m$ is the number of loci.
To get the confidence intervals, my steps are:
To perform around 1,000 bootstrap replicates (I haven't worked out how many will be appropriate, I was going to try this as a base, then go up.)
In each round, I would gather a simple random sample with replacement of the loci and calculate the $F_{st}$ value ($\hat \theta^*$).
I would then using jackknifing to estimate the variance of $\hat \theta^*$. (I would use the same method as above)
Then I would calculate the t-statistic: $t^* = \frac {\hat \theta^* - \hat \theta} {\hat se_{\hat \theta^*}}$
Once the for loop is done. I would obtain the confidence interval with: $$ (\hat \theta - t^*_{(1 - \alpha / 2)} \hat se_{\hat \theta}; \hat \theta - t^*_{(\alpha / 2)} \hat se_{\hat \theta}) $$
(The confidence interval is from the Wikipedia entry on bootstrapping)
My main questions are:
Is this the correct way to calculate the studentized bootstrap confidence intervals?
Weir and Cockerham suggest that one could also bootstrap over samples instead of loci, the first paper I cited and Weir & Cockerham bootstrap over loci, is this the best approach for comparing two populations? I was going with because my understanding was that we can assume independence between locus (assuming little dependence by linkage) and might not be able between samples in a sub-population as they might be related.
Let me know if there are any errors, or if more info is needed.
Thank you!
Edit: Here's some R code I've written to do this. First I find the a, b, and c arrays and calculate $\hat \theta$, then I do this to find it's variance:
findVar <- function(a, b, c) {
theta.L <- c(rep(0, 10))
for (i in 1:ncol(data)) {
# remove locus i
theta.L[i] <- sum(a[-i]) / sum(a[-i] + b[-i] + c[-i])
m <- ncol(data)
mean.theta <- sum(theta.L) / m
var.theta <- ((m - 1) / m) * sum((theta.L - mean.theta)^2)
return (var.theta)
var.theta <- findVar(a, b, c)
Then I did this to find the bootstrap confidence intervals:
t.i <- c(rep(0, 10))
m <- ncol(data)
aTemp <- c(rep(0, 10))
bTemp <- c(rep(0, 10))
cTemp <- c(rep(0, 10))
for (i in 1:1000) {
list <- sample(1:m, m, replace = TRUE)
for (j in 1:m) {
aTemp[j] <- a[list[j]]
bTemp[j] <- b[list[j]]
cTemp[j] <- c[list[j]]
theta.i <- sum(aTemp) / sum(aTemp + bTemp + cTemp)
# find the variance
var.theta.i <- findVar(aTemp, bTemp, cTemp)
t.i[i] <- (theta.i - theta) / var.theta.i
alpha <- 0.05
t.i <- sort(t.i)
firstT <- t.i[ceiling(length(t.i) * (1 - alpha / 2))]
secondT <- t.i[ceiling(length(t.i) * (alpha/2))]
lower <- theta - (firstT * var.theta)
upper <- theta - (secondT * var.theta)
Here's a sample result:
Theta: -0.1748
Confidence Interval: ( -0.2244 , 0.6153 )
Note: I didn't have very large data set, just wanted to see if it worked, maybe.
Edited again, to fix a mistake with getting the $\alpha / 2$ and $1 - \alpha / 2$ percentiles, and changed the example results