I am working my way through (T.J. Diccio & B. Efron, "Bootstrap Confidence Intervals", Statistical Science, 1996, 11(3), 189–228), and I'm stuck even before I get to the good stuff.
In the introduction, there is a table of before/after treatment values called cd4
, and the correlation $\hat\theta$ is given as 0.723. The paper then states, "We can find an exact interval for $\theta$ if we are willing to assume bivariate normality ... The exact central 90% interval is (0.47, 0.86)."
Here I stipulate that I am a stats moron. When I key in the data and compute a confidence interval by hand in R, either using the Fisher transform or the T distribution, I don't get that interval. How does one compute the interval they are talking about?
> cd4
subj base oneyr
1 1 2.12 2.47
2 2 4.35 4.61
3 3 3.39 5.26
4 4 2.51 3.02
5 5 4.04 6.36
6 6 5.10 5.93
7 7 3.77 3.93
8 8 3.35 4.09
9 9 4.10 4.88
10 10 3.35 3.81
11 11 4.15 4.74
12 12 3.56 3.29
13 13 3.39 5.55
14 14 1.88 2.82
15 15 2.56 4.23
16 16 2.96 3.23
17 17 2.49 2.56
18 18 3.03 4.31
19 19 2.66 4.37
20 20 3.00 2.40
> r = cor(cd4$base, cd4$oneyr)
> r
[1] 0.7231654
Fisher transform:
> se = 1/sqrt(17)
> se
[1] 0.2425356
> tanh(c(r-1.6448*se, r+1.6448*se))
[1] 0.3133382 0.8082940
T distribution:
> sr = sqrt((1-r^2)/(20-2))
> sr
[1] 0.1627936
> tc = abs(qt(0.05/2, 18))
> c(r-tc*sr, r+tc*sr)
[1] 0.3811486 1.0651821