I'd like to perform logistic regression with some categorical explanatory variables with more categories than just binary 0/1. Is this possible and why?
I am inclined to think that this would give just the wrong result because of the geometric intuition, however most opinions online say that explanatory variables can be discrete/categorical (although I don't see any mentions of more categories). For 0/1 this is fine because the distances between 0 and 1 is easy.
If I have even 3 categories 0/1/2, it's unclear if 1-0 is the same as 2-1.
One thought I had is to do a sort of one-vs-all thing for the explanatory variables. So if I had one parameter that can on 3 categories A/B/C I remake this into 3 separate parameters:
A: 0/1
B: 0/1
C: 0/1
Where 0 is not belonging to the letter class and 1 is belonging to the letter class.
Background: My dependent variable should be binary. I really wanted to use logistic regression because of the probability interpretation. If you can recommend another method that can output a probability estimate (instead of only classification) that takes in categorical explanatory variables, that would also be helpful.