I have a dataset where the samples are dependent, belong to different groups, and measurements were taken over time. It looks like this:
Subject Group Time Value S1 G1 12h 5.55 S1 G1 24h 7.63 S1 G1 36h 9.88 S2 G2 12h 3.26 S2 G2 24h 4.57 S2 G2 36h 6.44 S3 G3 12h 3.23 S3 G3 24h 4.10 S3 G3 36h 5.57 S4 G1 12h 5.65 S4 G1 24h 7.89 S4 G1 36h 10.43 S5 G2 12h 4.18 S5 G2 24h 4.93 S5 G2 36h 6.70 S6 G3 12h 3.53 S6 G3 24h 4.52 S6 G3 36h 6.25 S7 G1 12h 6.38 S7 G1 24h 8.68 S7 G1 36h 11.30 S8 G2 12h 4.73 S8 G2 24h 5.16 S8 G2 36h 6.75 S9 G3 12h 3.92 S9 G3 24h 4.58 S9 G3 36h 6.91
I would like to compare the groups using repeated measures ANOVA, and after that check where the differences are using a post hoc test.
So far, I have used the NLME package,
lme_data <- lme(Value~Group*Time, data=data, random = ~1| Subject)
Followed by:
summary(glht(lme_data, linfct=mcp(Group = "Tukey"), test = adjusted(type = "bonferroni")))
summary(glht(lme_data, linfct=mcp(Time = "Tukey"), test = adjusted(type = "bonferroni")))
that I saw in a previous post.
The question is, while the glht works fine for "Time" and "Group" separately, I would like to check the Time:Group interaction, to know which groups are different AND where those differences are.
Doing it with ANOVA and TukeyHSD is straightforward for independent samples, but somehow for repeated measures ANOVA I have been struggling.
gls(value ~ group*time , data=dat, correlation=corSymm(form= ~ 1 | Subject)
. Could you check ? If this is equivalent then I have a working code for multiple comparisons. $\endgroup$int=interaction(Group, Time)
and then run your model withint
instead ofGroup*Time
and also get theglht
output forInt="Tukey"