I am confused by the behaviour of ks.test (package stat) a) in the presence of ties and b) if one-sided while doing a two-sample test. Documentation: "Exact p-values are not available for the two-sample case if one-sided or in the presence of ties."
I ask if black (experiment) and red (control) follow the same distribution function without knowing the underlying distribution function.
In my hands exact p-values are computed if one-sided and in the presence of ties (according to the warning message). But two-sided the p-value is just < 2.2e-16 but not an "exactly" reported.
If interested you may download the data as .Rda (length of the vector ~ 9000):
ks.test (black, red)
Two-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test
data: black and red
D = 0.0731, p-value < 2.2e-16
alternative hypothesis: two-sided
ks.test (black, red)$p.value
[1] 0
Warnmeldung: # means warning message
In ks.test(black, red) :
im Falle von Bindungen sind die p-Werte approximativ # "Bindungen" means ties
ks.test (black, red, alternative="g")$p.value # not as expected
[1] 1.235537e-23
In ks.test(black, red, alternative = "g") :
im Falle von Bindungen sind die p-Werte approximativ
ks.test (black, red, alternative="l")$p.value
[1] 0.0005651143
In ks.test(black, red, alternative = "l") :
im Falle von Bindungen sind die p-Werte approximativ
I tried ks.boot
(package "Matching") that claims to work for two.sample tests with ties and "provides correct coverage even when the distributions being compared are not entirely continuous." Same story. I get exact p-values for one-sided conditions only. For instanche:
ks.boot (black, red, alternative="l")
[1] 0.001
Two-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test
data: Tr and Co
D^- = 0.0275, p-value = 0.0005651
alternative hypothesis: the CDF of x lies below that of y
[1] 1000
[1] "ks.boot"
Did I missunderstand the sentence "exact p-values are not available for the two-sample case if one-sided or in the presence of ties?" I thought the sense was: No exact p-value if one-sided or ...
Are the p-values of ks.test (two.sample, one sided) "correct"?
In terms of delivering exact p-values ks.boot was not superior.
Can anybody please comment on this? Thanks Hermann
@Roland My problem: "Exact p-values are not available for the two-sample case if one-sided or in the presence of ties" (ks.test). Maybe I was confused by the term "exact" that is defined by (statistic) methods. But I get "precise" (in the sense of a precise number) p-values for the one-sided but not for the two-sided test ...
ks.test (black, red, alternative="g")$p.value # one-sided
[1] 1.235537e-23 # precise p-value
In ks.test(black, red, alternative = "g") :
im Falle von Bindungen sind die p-Werte approximativ
ks.test(black, red)$p.value # two.sided
[1] 0 # Is this precise?
The most "precise" p-value (ks.test, two.sided) ...
ks.test (black, red)
Two-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test
data: black and red
D = 0.0731, p-value < 2.2e-16
alternative hypothesis: two-sided
In ks.test(black, red) :
im Falle von Bindungen sind die p-Werte approximativ
I was confused a p-value of 0 is reported if there is a p.value < 2.2e-16 (two.sided, ks.test). Most likely this does not have anything to do with "exact" p.values. So the answer might be: These are approximative p.values (according to the documentation because there are ties and it is one-sided). But this does not explain the different behaviour according to the reported p-values. I get a "precise" (approximative) p.value for one-sided but not for two-sided ... Due to statistical reasons?
Further, I dont get an "precise" p-value for the two.sided ks.boot neither (that should be "exact"). It is < 2.2e-16 and ks.boot.pvalue is again 0. So where is the "exact" ks.boot.pvalue for the two.sided test? There is only the p.value of the ks.test.
ks.boot (black, red)
$ks.boot.pvalue [1] 0 # no ks.boot.pvalue reported
Two-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test
data: Tr and Co
D = 0.0731, p-value < 2.2e-16
alternative hypothesis: two-sided
[1] 1000
[1] "ks.boot"
Are "precise" p-values (ks.boot) only reported for one.sided conditions?
Thanks Hermann
, i.e., the bootstrapped p-value. $\endgroup$