I have this linear model:
fit = glm(Survived ~ Pclass + Sex + Age + SibSp + Parch + Fare,
data=passengers, family=binomial)
Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept) 5.318162 0.571693 9.302 < 2e-16 ***
Pclass -1.175648 0.145979 -8.054 8.04e-16 ***
Sexmale -2.760823 0.199952 -13.807 < 2e-16 ***
Age -0.043866 0.008220 -5.336 9.49e-08 ***
SibSp -0.428252 0.106963 -4.004 6.24e-05 ***
Parch -0.099051 0.118328 -0.837 0.403
Fare 0.002587 0.002362 1.095 0.274
So according to the Z score I can say that the decision variables Pclass
, Sexmale
, Age
, SibSp
deal a huge part in deciding whether the depending variable will be 0 or 1.
Now I change the fit to the following (added Title):
fit = glm(Survived ~ Pclass + Sex + Age + SibSp + Parch + Fare + Title,
data=passengers, family=binomial)
Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept) 3.458e+01 1.906e+03 0.018 0.98552
Pclass -1.108e+00 1.556e-01 -7.123 1.06e-12 ***
Sexmale -3.180e+01 1.906e+03 -0.017 0.98669
Age -3.110e-02 9.574e-03 -3.249 0.00116 **
SibSp -6.079e-01 1.250e-01 -4.862 1.16e-06 ***
Parch -3.614e-01 1.346e-01 -2.685 0.00726 **
Fare 4.168e-03 2.573e-03 1.620 0.10531
TitleDr -6.257e-01 1.691e+00 -0.370 0.71142
TitleLady -1.605e+01 1.452e+03 -0.011 0.99118
TitleMaster 2.541e+00 1.552e+00 1.637 0.10163
TitleMiss -2.982e+01 1.906e+03 -0.016 0.98752
TitleMlle -1.642e+01 2.356e+03 -0.007 0.99444
TitleMr -9.856e-01 1.439e+00 -0.685 0.49339
TitleMrs -2.904e+01 1.906e+03 -0.015 0.98784
TitleMs -1.498e+01 3.064e+03 -0.005 0.99610
TitleRev -1.576e+01 9.616e+02 -0.016 0.98692
TitleSir -4.003e-01 1.705e+00 -0.235 0.81438
So now my model is much "weaker" in a sense that I have more weak decision variables and the Sexmale
is also "overshadowed" with the categorical Title
Could someone tell me the reason? Also, please help me deciding if the new model is really weaker than the previous one or am I missing some fundamental thing here?