I am having a little issue with manually calculating some predicted probabilities from a ordinal logistic regression (I am doing this as a learning exercise - I am aware I don't have to do this manually).
Take the following example from the UCLA statistics training website:
Import the data:
dat <- read.dta("http://www.ats.ucla.edu/stat/data/ologit.dta")
Run an ordinal logistic regression:
m <- polr(apply ~ public + pared, data = dat, Hess=TRUE)
Get the predicted probabilities:
newdat <- expand.grid(public=unique(dat$public),pared=unique(dat$pared))
# public pared unlikely somewhat likely very likely
#1 0 0 0.5960409 0.3255546 0.07840448 # reproduce this row of results
#2 1 0 0.5720066 0.3421339 0.08585947
#3 0 1 0.3246644 0.4682876 0.20704799
#4 1 1 0.3033554 0.4728797 0.22376497
Now, manually reproduce these values:
# store the intercept values
intcpts <- coef(summary(m))[3:4]
# unlikely only
unl <- (1 / (1 + exp(-(intcpts[1] + sum(coef(m) * c(public=0,pared=0) ) ))))
# 0.5960409
# somewhat likely ((unlikely + somewhat likely) - unlikely)
swl <- (1 / (1 + exp(-(intcpts[2] + sum(coef(m) * c(public=0,pared=0) ) )))) - unl
# 0.3255546
# very likely (1 - somewhat likely - unlikely)
vrl <- 1 - swl - unl
# 0.07840448
So this all works fine.
However, in the process of figuring this out, I found another page on the UCLA site (http://www.ats.ucla.edu/stat/spss/dae/ologit.htm) which seemed to suggest that one should calculate the values the other way around (very likely, then somewhat, then unlikely - reference category last). As in:
$ P(Y = 2) = \left(\frac{1}{1 + e^{-(a_{2}+b_{1}x_{1} + b_{2}x_{2} + b_{3}x_{3})}}\right) $
$ P(Y = 1) = \left(\frac{1}{1 + e^{-(a_{1}+b_{1}x_{1} + b_{2}x_{2} + b_{3}x_{3})}}\right) - P(Y = 2) $
$P(Y = 0) = 1 - P(Y = 1) - P(Y = 2) $
Now I realise this should give the exact same results as the probabilities always add to 1, but I can't seem to get their logic to work in terms of actual R code or manual calculations. I am stuck always starting with unlikely and then moving on up to very likely.
Am I missing something in the logic here? Can anyone suggest a simple calculation method?