If one is conducting a survey in which all the respondents are volunteers, would there be a true sampling frame?
I see three possibilities:
We could view this as a situation where there is no set list of subjects from which those that end up being included in the sample are chosen -- so therefore there is no sampling frame
The sampling frame could be every possible individual in the world that has access to a computer (it it's online) or exits in physical space and who might encounter the person administering the survey- say anyone in the world who might live in or might be visiting the city and might happen to walk by the corner where the person who is administering the survey might be standing. This would just mean that the vast majority of the sampling frame would have an extremely low inclusion probability
The sampling frame is all people who have a reasonable opportunity to take the survey- so if it were an internet survey, all of those who were asked to take the survey by email or had seen a page that had a link to the survey. Similarly if someone were administering a survey in say a mall, then the sampling frame would be all people who were shopping in that mall in a given time.