There are different methods for prediction of ordinal and categorical variables.
What I do not understand, is how this distinction matters. Is there a simple example which can make clear what goes wrong if I drop the order? Under what circumstances does it not matter? For instance, if the independent variables are all categorical/ordinal, too, would there be a difference?
This related question focuses on the type of the independent variables. Here I am asking about outcome variables.
Edit: I see the point that using the order structure reduces the number of model parameters, but I am still not really convinced.
Here is an example (taken from an introduction to ordered logistic regression where as far as I can see ordinal logistic regression does not perform better than multinomial logistic regression:
gradapply <- read.csv(url(""), colClasses=c("factor", "factor", "factor", "numeric"))
ordered_result <- function() {
train_rows <- sample(nrow(gradapply), round(nrow(gradapply)*0.9))
train_data <- gradapply[train_rows,]
test_data <- gradapply[setdiff(1:nrow(gradapply), train_rows),]
m <- polr(apply~pared+gpa, data=train_data)
pred <- predict(m, test_data)
multinomial_result <- function() {
train_rows <- sample(nrow(gradapply), round(nrow(gradapply)*0.9))
train_data <- gradapply[train_rows,]
test_data <- gradapply[setdiff(1:nrow(gradapply), train_rows),]
m <- multinom(apply~pared+gpa, data=train_data)
pred <- predict(m, test_data)
n <- 100
polr_res <- replicate(n, ordered_result())
multinom_res <- replicate(n, multinomial_result())
boxplot(data.frame(polr=polr_res, multinom=multinom_res))
which shows the distribution of the number of right guesses (out of 40) of both algorithms.
Edit2: When I use as scoring method the following
and penalize "very wrong" predictions, polr still looks bad, i.e. the plot above does not change very much.
ordered factor
, which would improve results:gradapply$apply <-factor(gradapply$apply, levels= c('unlikely', 'somewhat likely', 'very likely') , ordered = TRUE)
but it makes no difference. If you look at accuracy, the two are pretty much similar. Accuracy is not a good metric to rely solely on, though. $\endgroup$