Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE) works remarkably well, even for fairly small datasets. For truncation at an upper limit of $U$ and lower limit of $L$, simply divide the Gamma likelihood of any data value $x$ by the total probability of the interval $[L,U]$ to obtain the likelihood for the truncated distribution.
Here are examples of datasets (shown as histograms), the underlying distributions that generated them (colored lines), and their MLEs (black lines) for a range of shape parameters "alpha" and scale parameters "sigma" that might be encountered when truncating to the interval $[0.05, 3]$. The agreement between the fits and distributions is excellent.
Details appear in the following R
# Log likelihood.
# `theta` is shape, log scale.
log.Lambda <- function(theta, x, limits) {
# Extract the parameters from the arguments.
alpha <- theta[1]
log.sigma <- theta[2]
sigma <- exp(log.sigma)
n <- length(x)
# Compute Gamma probabilities for the truncation limits. Keep them as logs
# for numerical accuracy and to avoid overflow.
p.lower <- pgamma(limits[1], alpha, scale=sigma, log.p=TRUE)
p.upper <- pgamma(limits[2], alpha, scale=sigma, log.p=TRUE)
# Compute the variable and constant portions of the log likelihood.
l <- (alpha-1) * log(x) - x/sigma
const <- alpha * log.sigma + lgamma(alpha) + p.lower + log(exp(p.upper - p.lower) - 1)
# Return the negative log likelihood.
return(-(sum(l) - n*const))
# Truncated Gamma distribution (for plotting).
dgammatrunc <- function(x, shape, scale, lower, upper) {
dgamma(x, shape, scale=scale) / diff(pgamma(c(lower,upper), shape, scale=scale))
# Test.
upper <- 3
lower <- 0.05
n <- 32 # Sample size
# Test for a range of shapes and scales.
parameters <- expand.grid(alpha=c(1/2, 2, 5), sigma=c(1/2, 6))
x0 <- seq(lower, upper, length.out=101) # Prediction points, for plotting
X <- apply(parameters, 1, function(theta) {
alpha <- theta[1]
sigma <- theta[2]
# Generate data.
q <- runif(n, pgamma(lower, alpha, scale=sigma), pgamma(upper, alpha, scale=sigma))
x <- qgamma(q, alpha, scale=sigma)
# hist(x, freq=FALSE)
# ML fitting.
theta.0 <- c(mean(x), 0)
fit <- nlm(log.Lambda, p=theta.0, x=x, limits=c(lower, upper))
beta.hat <- fit$estimate
alpha.hat <- beta.hat[1]
sigma.hat <- exp(beta.hat[2])
# Return the data and fits in a form convenient for plotting.
list(data.table(x=x, alpha=alpha, sigma=sigma),
data.table(x=x0, alpha=alpha, sigma=sigma,
y=dgammatrunc(x0, alpha, sigma, lower, upper),
y.hat=dgammatrunc(x0, alpha.hat, sigma.hat, lower, upper))
Y <- rbindlist(lapply(X, function(x) x[[2]])) # Data for the graphs
X <- rbindlist(lapply(X, function(x) x[[1]])) # The samples themselves
# Plot the results.
binwidth <- (upper - lower)/ceiling(n^(0.6))
ggplot(X, aes(x)) +
geom_histogram(binwidth=binwidth, aes(fill=ordered(alpha)), alpha=1/2,
color="Black", show.legend=FALSE) +
geom_path(aes(x, n*y*binwidth, color=ordered(alpha)), size=2, data=Y,
show.legend=FALSE) +
geom_path(aes(x, n*y.hat*binwidth), size=1.5, data=Y, show.legend=FALSE) +
facet_grid(sigma ~ alpha, scales="free_y", labeller = label_both) +
ggtitle(paste("MLEs for Samples of Size", n),
"Fitted Distributions Shown in Black")