If you have panel data, and you fit a model like $$ y_{it} = \alpha_i + X_{it}'\beta + \epsilon_{it} $$ then you have $E[\hat\beta] = \beta$ if you can make an argument that $E[\epsilon]=0$. This is the assumption of "common trends" -- causal inference when controlling for all stable covariates, if time-varying shocks are balanced. This is distinct from random effects, which do not control for all time-invariant heterogeneity because random effects are basically the same thing as penalized fixed effects -- higher bias/lower variance.
Now, I'm interested in heterogeneity in response to $X$. Is it completely nonsensical to fit $$ y_{it} = \alpha_i + X_{it}'\left(\beta+\beta_i\right) + \epsilon_{it} $$ where $\beta_i$ is $\mathcal{N}(0,\sigma_\beta)$?
This can also be viewed as a smoothing of a purely fixed varying coefficients model -- accepting bias to lower variance.
Given that we're assuming that the $\alpha$ IS correlated with $X$, are not these random coefficients basically biased, and thereby useless? If I were to accept bias, would I not want to specify the intercepts as random as well?