It is a basic question but I could not find clear answer on my reading. I am trying to find independent predictors of Infant.Mortality in data frame 'swiss' in R.
> head(swiss)
Fertility Agriculture Examination Education Catholic Infant.Mortality
Courtelary 80.2 17.0 15 12 9.96 22.2
Delemont 83.1 45.1 6 9 84.84 22.2
Franches-Mnt 92.5 39.7 5 5 93.40 20.2
Moutier 85.8 36.5 12 7 33.77 20.3
Neuveville 76.9 43.5 17 15 5.16 20.6
Porrentruy 76.1 35.3 9 7 90.57 26.6
Following are the results using lm and I find only Fertility to be a significant predictor:
> fit = lm(Infant.Mortality~., data=swiss)
> summary(fit)
lm(formula = Infant.Mortality ~ ., data = swiss)
Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-8.2512 -1.2860 0.1821 1.6914 6.0937
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 8.667e+00 5.435e+00 1.595 0.11850
Fertility 1.510e-01 5.351e-02 2.822 0.00734 # <<<< NOTE P VALUE HERE
Agriculture -1.175e-02 2.812e-02 -0.418 0.67827
Examination 3.695e-02 9.607e-02 0.385 0.70250
Education 6.099e-02 8.484e-02 0.719 0.47631
Catholic 6.711e-05 1.454e-02 0.005 0.99634
Residual standard error: 2.683 on 41 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared: 0.2439, Adjusted R-squared: 0.1517
F-statistic: 2.645 on 5 and 41 DF, p-value: 0.03665
Following are the graphs:
On performing stepwise regression, following are the results:
> step <- stepAIC(fit, direction="both");
Start: AIC=98.34
Infant.Mortality ~ Fertility + Agriculture + Examination + Education +
Df Sum of Sq RSS AIC
- Catholic 1 0.000 295.07 96.341
- Examination 1 1.065 296.13 96.511
- Agriculture 1 1.256 296.32 96.541
- Education 1 3.719 298.79 96.930
<none> 295.07 98.341
- Fertility 1 57.295 352.36 104.682
Step: AIC=96.34
Infant.Mortality ~ Fertility + Agriculture + Examination + Education
Df Sum of Sq RSS AIC
- Examination 1 1.320 296.39 94.551
- Agriculture 1 1.395 296.46 94.563
- Education 1 5.774 300.84 95.252
<none> 295.07 96.341
+ Catholic 1 0.000 295.07 98.341
- Fertility 1 72.609 367.68 104.681
Step: AIC=94.55
Infant.Mortality ~ Fertility + Agriculture + Education
Df Sum of Sq RSS AIC
- Agriculture 1 4.250 300.64 93.220
- Education 1 6.875 303.26 93.629
<none> 296.39 94.551
+ Examination 1 1.320 295.07 96.341
+ Catholic 1 0.255 296.13 96.511
- Fertility 1 79.804 376.19 103.758
Step: AIC=93.22
Infant.Mortality ~ Fertility + Education
Df Sum of Sq RSS AIC
<none> 300.64 93.220
- Education 1 21.902 322.54 94.525
+ Agriculture 1 4.250 296.39 94.551
+ Examination 1 4.175 296.46 94.563
+ Catholic 1 2.318 298.32 94.857
- Fertility 1 85.769 386.41 103.017
> step$anova
Stepwise Model Path
Analysis of Deviance Table
Initial Model:
Infant.Mortality ~ Fertility + Agriculture + Examination + Education +
Final Model:
Infant.Mortality ~ Fertility + Education
Step Df Deviance Resid. Df Resid. Dev AIC
1 41 295.0662 98.34145
2 - Catholic 1 0.0001533995 42 295.0663 96.34147
3 - Examination 1 1.3199421028 43 296.3863 94.55125
4 - Agriculture 1 4.2499886025 44 300.6363 93.22041
Summary shows Education also has trend towards significant association:
lm(formula = Infant.Mortality ~ Fertility + Education, data = swiss)
Min 1Q Median 3Q Max
-7.6927 -1.4049 0.2218 1.7751 6.1685
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 8.63758 3.33524 2.590 0.012973
Fertility 0.14615 0.04125 3.543 0.000951
Education 0.09595 0.05359 1.790 0.080273
Residual standard error: 2.614 on 44 degrees of freedom
Multiple R-squared: 0.2296, Adjusted R-squared: 0.1946
F-statistic: 6.558 on 2 and 44 DF, p-value: 0.003215
What do I conclude? Is Education an important predictor or not?
Also, do the graphs using plot(fit) add any significant information?
Thanks for your help.
Edit: I ran shapiro test on all columns and found 2 are not normally distributed:
Fertility : P= 0.3449466 (Normally distributed)
Agriculture : P= 0.1930223 (Normally distributed)
Examination : P= 0.2562701 (Normally distributed)
Education : P= 1.31202e-07 (--- NOT Normally distributed! ---)
Catholic : P= 1.20461e-07 (--- NOT Normally distributed! ---)
Infant.Mortality : P= 0.4978056 (Normally distributed)
Does that make a difference?