Descriptively speaking, I would offer "a data sample is censored if some observations in it take on, or constitute, the sample's extreme values but their true value is outside the observed sample range". But this is deceptively straightforward.
So let's first discuss how we can conclude that a data set is censored, which will naturally lead us to discussing the cases presented in the question.
Suppose we are given the following data set from a discrete random variable $X$, for which the only thing we know is that it is non-negative:
Can we say that the data set is censored? Well, we are entitled to think that it might be, but it is not necessarily so:
1) $X$ may have the range $\{0,1,2\}$ and a probability distribution $\{0.1,0.1,0.8\}$. If this is indeed the case, it appears there is no censoring here, just an "anticipated" sample from such a random variable, with bounded support and highly asymmetrical distribution.
2) But it may be the case that $X$ has the range $\{0,1,...,9\}$ with uniform probability distribution $\{0.1,0.1,...0.1\}$, in which case our data sample is most likely censored.
How can we tell? We cannot, except if we posses prior knowledge or information, that will permit us to argue in favor of the one or the other case. Do the three cases presented in the question represent prior knowledge to the effect of censoring? Let's see:
Case A) describes a situation where for some observations we have only qualitative information like "very large", "very small" etc, which leads us to assign to the observation an extreme value. Note that merely not knowing the actual realized value does not justify assigning an extreme value. So we must have some information to the effect that for these observations, their value exceed or is below all the observed ones. In this case, the actual range of the random variable is unknown, but our qualitative information permits us to create a censored sample (it is another discussion as to why we do not just drop the observations for which we do not possess the actual realized value).
Case B) is not a case of censoring, if I understand it correctly, but rather a case of contaminated sample: our a priori information tells us that the maximum value of the random variable cannot exceed $3$ (due say to a physical law or a social law -suppose this is grades data from a grading system that uses only the values $1,2,3$).
But we have observed also the value $4$ and the value $5$. How can this be? Mistake in the recording of the data. But in such a case, we do not know for certain that the $4$'s and $5$'s should be all $3$'s (in fact, looking at the side keyboard of a computer, it is more likely that the $4$'s are $1$'s and the $5$'s are $2$'s!). By "correcting" in whatever way the sample, we do not make it a censored one, because the random variable is not supposed to range in the recorded range in the first place (so there are no true probabilities assigned to the values $4$ and $5$).
Case C) refers to a joint sample, where we have a dependent variable and predictors.
Here, we may have a sample where values of the dependent variable are concentrated at the one or both extremes, due to the structure of the phenomenon under study: In the "hours worked" usual example, unemployed people do not work but they would have worked (think carefully: does this case really falls under the descriptive "definition" in the beginning of this answer?). So including them in the regression with recorded hours "zero" create bias. To the other extreme, maximum numbers of hour worked may be argued to be able to reach, say $16$/day, and there may be employees that would be willing to work so many for given pay. But the legal framework does not permit it and so we do not observe such "hours worked". Here, we are trying to estimate the "intended labour supply function" -and it is with respect to this variable that the sample is characterized as censored.
But if we declared that what we want to do is to estimate "labor supply function given the phenomenon of unemployment and the legal framework", the sample would not be censored, since it would reflect the effect of these two aspects, something that we want it to do.
So we see that characterizing a data sample as censored
a) can come from different situations and
b) requires some care
-let alone the fact that it can be confused with the case of truncation.