In a study, an experimental drug was given to tt (treatment) group and placebo given to cc (control) group. Blood levels of (say) cholesterol were tested at baseline and after 3 months in each subject. Aim of the study is to determine if experimental drug has any significant effect on blood level, i.e. experimental drug has different effect than placebo (which is presumed to have no effect).
I have following data:
id grp preLevel postLevel diff percentDiff prePostRatio
1 1 tt 140 110 30 -21.4% 1.27
2 2 tt 150 120 30 -20.0% 1.25
3 3 cc 135 125 10 -07.4% 1.08
4 4 cc 155 145 10 -06.5% 1.07
I can perform t.test or wilcox.test and compare the two groups. But what is the best parameter to analyze: absolute difference, percent difference or pre/post ratio? Or it does not matter and they will all produce same result?
For above data should I use t.test/ wilcox.test or repeated measures anova as described on this page: using following code with rearranged data:
id grp pre_or_post level
1 tt pre 140
1 tt post 110
2 tt pre 150
2 tt post 120
3 cc pre 135
3 cc post 125
aov(level ~ grp * pre_or_post + Error(id/pre_or_post), data=mydata)
Also, how will the method of analysis differ if it is a parallel group study with different subjects in treatment and controls groups or it is a cross-over study with same subjects being in treatment and control groups at different times?
17th Dec, 2022: I am reopening this question after many years to see if there is any new information/consensus on this common situation.