Sorry, I know this thread is old, but I feel like some statements are not very clear and/or misleading, and also I would like to add a more mathematically sound perspective on the matter.
As was already pointed out, a Brownian path is with probability 1 not differentiable anywhere, at least not in a usual sense. It is correct that $dW/dt$ is defined in a distributional sense, and as such its Fourier transform can be taken. But the result is a priori a distribution. The actual problem is the premise that "the spectral density of white noise is a constant". At that point, you're miles away from any rigorous definition. Moreover, although you can find this claim a lot, it't not correct, or at least it's misleading.
First of all, we should restrict ourselves to a Fourier decomposition on a finite interval, i.e. with discrete frequencies (because this is the only setting in which we can make meaningful statements). Let's say we're on $[0, 1]$. Then it's true that white noise has a flat spectral density in the sense that
$$ E \left[ \left\vert \int_0^1 e^{-i \omega t} dW_t \right\vert ^2\right] = 1 , $$
which is independent of $\omega$. It is not true, however, that $\left\vert \int_0^1 e^{-i \omega t} dW_t \right\vert ^2$ is a constant. Rather, it follows a $\chi^2$ distribution.
However, $\int \phi(t) dW_t$ is a stochastic integral, it cannot be understood as $\int \phi(t) \frac{dW_t}{dt}dt$. Now, stochastic calculus tells us that, for any deterministic function $\phi(t)$, $\int_0^1 \phi(t)\,dW_t$ is a random variable with normal distribution with mean zero and variance $\sigma^2 = \int_0^t \vert \phi(t) \vert^2\, dt$.
How does this help? Well, we can write the Fourier transform as
$$ \int_0^1 e^{-i \omega t} W_t dt = \int_0^1 e^{-i \omega t} \left( \int_0^s dW_s \right) dt = \int_0^1 \left( \int_s^1 e^{- i \omega t} d t \right) dW_s = \int_0^1 \phi(s)\, dW_s ,$$
with $$\phi(s) = \frac{i}{ \omega} (1 - e^{- i \omega s}).$$
And this function has
$$\int_0^1 \vert \phi (s) \vert^2\, ds = 2 / \omega^2 .$$
This means that the $\omega$-th Fourier coefficient, $\omega \in 2 \pi \mathbb Z$, has distribution $\mathcal N (0, 2 / \omega^2 )$.
In fact, you can simulate a Brownian path by sampling independent standard normal variables $Z_n \sim \mathcal N(0, 1)$, for $n = 0, 1, 2, \dots$, and puting
$$ W(t) := Z_0 t + \sum_{n = 1}^\infty \frac{\sqrt 2 Z_n}{\pi n} \sin (\pi n t). $$
But if you fix the absolute value of $Z_n$ and just choose the sign randomly, you will end up with something else.
If you really want to know what white noise is: It can be rigorously defined as a random tempered distribution (i.e. an extremely singular object!) following a certain law. Like a finite-dimensional random variable, this law can be defined via a characteristic function (existence is guaranteed by the Bochner-Minlos-Sazanov theorem). In infinite dimensions, this looks like this: The white noise distribution $T$ is distributed such, that for every Schwartz function (every smooth function that decays faster than any inverse polynomial) $\phi (t)$,
$$ E [ e^{i (T, \phi )} ] = e^{- \frac 1 2 \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} \vert \phi(t) \vert^2 d t }$$
The field of mathematics that deals with this is called White Noise Analysis.