Frisch-Waugh's theorem states that in the setup $Y = X^T \beta $, where $\beta = [\beta_1,\beta_2]^T$, $X = [X_1, X_2]$, $\hat{\beta}_2$ obtained from the multiple regression is the same as that obtained from a two-stage specification, i.e. $\hat{\beta}_2 = (X_2^T X_2)^{-1} X_2^T(Y-X_1\hat{\beta}_1)$
This procedure should also hold for WLS:
$\hat{\beta}_2 = (X_2^T \Omega^{-1}X_2)^{-1}X_2^T \Omega^{-1}(Y-X_1\hat{\beta}_1)$
However, I find different coefficient estimates for a single multiple regression than for two separate regression.
From the equation I derived, weights should be used in both parts of the two-part regressions, but just in case, I tried adding weights to only the first or second regression as well.
A simple reproducible example in R:
# load dataset from MASS package
# Here we see exactly what the coef on Cult should be:
target <- lm(VitC ~ Date + Cult, weight=HeadWt, data=cabbages)
# We see that the coef of Cultc52 is 12.69
# Weights on both equations:
one_f <- lm(VitC ~ Date,weight = HeadWt,data=cabbages)
(one_s <- lm(resid(one_f) ~ Cult,weight=HeadWt,data=cabbages))
# 12.42
# Weights on the first equation only
two_f <- lm(VitC ~ Date, weight=HeadWt,data=cabbages)
(two_s <- lm(resid(two_f) ~ Cult, data=cabbages))
# 12.90... hmmm...
# Weights on second equation only
three_f <- lm(VitC ~ Date,data=cabbages)
(three_s <- lm(resid(three_f) ~ Cult,weight=HeadWt,data=cabbages))
# 12.79