I have a sequence of states of a system. Each state is defined by an abstract identifier e.g "Eating", "Sleeping" etc... and a duration. So a state is basically {id,duration}
Additionally I have recordings of interesting "event" states that are defined by specific sequences of states; e.g "Eating for 20 minutes followed by driving for 10 minutes = Event state "Eating dinner out". (I know the sample makes no real sense, its just for general illustration. Note that events can have an arbitrary number of states.)
Now I would like to analyze the input state sequences to find those event states in them (in a fuzzy way) Note that there will be very few events in relation to the input data sequences.
I have experimented with basic neural networks, hidden Markov models etc... but nothing seems to give me good results.
Does anybody have some pointers on what kind of algorithms to use on this kind of problem?