How can I fit reduced-rank regression with continuous response in R?
I found the package VGAM
but it only fits for discrete distributions...
A set of S functions for least-squares reduced-rank can be found in the StatLib archive. See the file rrr.s and this paper:
Splus function for reduced-rank regression and softly shrunk reduced-rank regression. Submitted by Magne Aldrin ([email protected]). [19/Apr/99][8/Mar/00] (14k)
fit <- fitted(lm(Y ~ X, data = foo))
. If this is what you want, thenrda()
in vegan would be a good start. $\endgroup$rda()
via QR decomposition and SVD for efficiency, but that method gets the same result as the R code I showed in the comment earlier. Which makes me think what we do, which has been called reduced rank regression, is not the reduced rank regression the OP is looking for :-) $\endgroup$