I am running a fully Bayesian MCMC procedure to estimate some time series models, and my model has a lot of parameter estimates. In particular, one of these parameters, $\phi$, is $\in [-1,1]$. The conditional density is nonstandard, so I have implemented an independance-chain Metropolis-Hastings with a truncated normal $N(\hat{\phi},\sigma^{2}_{\phi})1(|\phi|<1)$ where the mean and variance are based on some other parameters. I was a little unsure how reliable my model was, so I have run some simulated data through it where I have fixed $\phi=0.50$.
I have a simulated sample size of $500$ a loop size of $20,000$, and a burn-in period of $5,000$ and a computation time of around 60 minutes (and yes my matrices are sparse).
Surprisingly (or maybe not), the posterior is skewed to the left and the posterior mean/median are well below $0.50$ (typically around $0.4$). Obviously, when the sampler gets close to one, it gets pushed to the left and can wander off to the left near negative values. I do not believe this is "bad", but the mean and median won't do a good job here in summarising $\hat{\phi}$. The mode looks like a much more sensible estimate, but the creditability intervals are wide (too wide).
Wikipedia thinks using the posterior mode is a bad idea: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maximum_a_posteriori_estimation
Is there a usual treatment for summarising the posterior when dealing with a constrained parameter space?