I was wondering if someone could clarify the following for me. In the paper "Inference for the binomial $N$ parameter" by Adrian Raftery, his first example outlines the posterior of $N$ given $x$ as
$$ p(N|x) \propto (N!)^{-1}\left\{\prod_{i=1}^{n}\binom{N}{x_i}\right\}\int_{0}^{1}\int_{0}^{\infty}\theta^{-N+S}(1-\theta)^{nN-S}\lambda^N\text{exp}(-\lambda/\theta)p(\lambda,\theta)d\lambda d\theta $$
He assumes a Poisson distribution as the prior distribution for $N$, so I understand where the
$$ (N!)^{-1}\lambda^N\exp\left(\lambda/\theta\right) $$
comes from. However, why is the exponent of $e$ $\lambda/\theta$? Thanks!