Let us work with the following structural model: $$y=\mathbf{x_{1i}β}+x_{2i}β_2+\varepsilon_i$$
where $x_{2i}$ is our single endogenous regressor. It turns out that given my instruments and my first stage regression, I can obtain $β_2$ in two different ways. I can use the two stage least squares regression $$y=\mathbf{x_{1i}β}+\hat{x}_{2i}β_2+\varepsilon_i \qquad (*)$$ where $\hat{x}_{2i}$ is our instrument predicted with the first stage regression.
And we can obtain the same estimate for $β_2$ with the following regression $$y=\mathbf{x_{1i}\beta}+x_{2i}β_2+\delta\hat{v}_i+\varepsilon_i \qquad (**)$$
where $\hat{v}_i$ is the estimated residual of the first stage regression, namely the portion of the original endogenous regressor that is correlated with the original $\varepsilon_i$.
Now I would like to prove algebraically that we can estimate $β_2$ using these two different approaches. I understand why the estimates must be the same. After all, in $(*)$ we are estimating the partial effect of $x_{2i}$ on $y$ controlling for the portion of $x_{2i}$ that was correlated with the error in the structural model above. Is this interpretation correct? Furthermore I tried to explicit this algebraically. I know I should be able to rewrite $(*)$ as $(**)$ or viceversa. Unfortunately I am not convinced of my result. I started from $(*)$, used the fact that $\hat{v_i}=x_{2i}-\hat{x}_{2i}$ and got the following result $$y=\mathbf{x_{1i}β}+x_{2i}β_2-β_2\hat{v_i}+\varepsilon_i$$
Now, this result is similar to $(**)$ but I cannot understand it. In particular, how should I decompose $x_{2i}$? What am I missing? Could you give me a hint?
Thank you for your help.