Problem 8.7 From Van der Vaart's Asymptotic Statistics:
Given a sample of size $n$ from the uniform distribution on $[0,\theta]$, the maximum $X_{(n)}$ of the observations is biased downwards. Because $\text{E}[\theta-X_{(n)}] = \text{E}[X_{(1)}]$, the bias can be removed by adding the minimum of the observations. Is $X_{(1)} + X_{(n)}$ a good estimator for $\theta$ from an asymptotic point of view?
The chapter is on efficiency of estimators (e.g. convolution theorem, relative efficiency) so my first thought was to calculate the asymptotic variance of $X_{(1)} + X_{(n)}$. From previous results in the class I have $$\text{Pr}\left\{ nX_{(1)} < x\right\} \to 1 - e^{-x/\theta}\qquad \text{Pr}\left\{ -n(X_{(n)}-\theta) < x\right\} \to 1-e^{-x/\theta}$$ that is, the asymptotic marginal distributions of the minimum and the maximum are exponential distributions. However, to get the asymptotic distribution of the sum I would need the joint asymptotic distribution. I'm not sure how to proceed.
Based on the linked question, if $X_{(1)}$ and $X_{(n)}$ are asymptotically independent then the asymptotic variance of $X_{(1)} + X_{(n)}$ would simply be $$\theta^2+\theta^2 + 2(0) = 2\theta^2$$ which is larger than the variance of the MLE ($X_{(n)}$). But the MLE is biased. Also, I have not found a way to show that the minimum and maximum are asymptotically independent.
Related: with no satisfactory answer Asymptotic distribution of uniform order statistics
Also somewhat related to the famous german tank problem, but that is for discrete uniform distribution.
tag, btw $\endgroup$