I have two datasets in the form of $q \times k$ matrices (variables $x$ and $y$). Both variables differ (lets assume that they differ by a constant). Columns of the matrices are subsequent points in time, rows are observations (sample quantiles). The problem is to visualize those two variables to show differences between them and their variances across the time. The raw data is available. Plot needs to be readable to lay persons.
Below I paste the synthetic data that can serve as illustration.
mu <- 0
n <- 1000
k <- 10
q <- 10
x <- matrix(NA, q, k)
y <- matrix(NA, q, k)
for (i in 1:k) {
x[, i] <- quantile(rnorm(n, mu[i], 1), c(seq(0, 1, by=.1)-.05)[-1])
y[, i] <- quantile(rnorm(n, mu[i]+1.5, 1), c(seq(0, 1, by=.1)-.05)[-1])
mu[i+1] <- mu[i] + runif(1, -1, 1)
Do you have any ideas how could it be visualized?