I'm looking at some data conversion rates for an ad over time.
view clicks
Day 1 100 10
Day 2 150 13
Day 3 90 9
Day 4 130 20
Day 5 150 21
Given that there is quite a bit of variation in the conversion rate of the ad from day to day, I want to know the confidence interval for the conversion rate across the 5 days. For each day I could develop confidence intervals for the conversion rate, and then compare across the days. However, I'm just not sure how to know with 90% confidence that the confidence interval for all the days was between so and so. Can anyone help!
In R, I can calculate the confidence intervals for two seperate ads using the following function:
abtestfunc <- function(ad1, ad2){
sterror1 = sqrt( ad1[1] * (1-ad1[1]) / ad1[2] )
sterror2 = sqrt( ad2[1] * (1-ad2[1]) / ad2[2] )
minmax1 = c((ad1[1] - 1.96*sterror1) * 100, (ad1[1] + 1.96*sterror1) * 100)
minmax2 = c((ad2[1] - 1.96*sterror2) * 100, (ad2[1] + 1.96*sterror2) * 100)
print( round(minmax1,2) )
print( round(minmax2,2) )
Or is it right to calculate the means conversion rate for the conversion rates and then develop conf intervals. Then compare whether the majority of days fall within the conversion rate.