Pearson correlation is used to look at correlation between series ... but being time series the correlation is looked at across different lags -- the cross-correlation function.
The cross-correlation is impacted by dependence within-series, so in many cases$^{\dagger}$ the within-series dependence should be removed first. So to use this correlation, rather than smoothing the series, it's actually more common (because it's meaningful) to look at dependence between residuals - the rough part that's left over after a suitable model is found for the variables.
You probably want to begin with some basic resources on time series models before delving into trying to figure out whether a Pearson correlation across (presumably) non-stationary, smoothed series is interpretable.
In particular, you'll probably want to look into the phenomenon here.
[Edit -- the Wikipedia landscape keeps changing; the above para. should probably be revised to reflect what's there now.]
e.g. see some discussions
[Why Do We Sometimes Get Nonsense-Correlations between Time Series? A Study in Sampling and the Nature of Time Series][1] (the opening quote of Yule, in a paper presented in 1925 but published the following year, summarizes the problem quite well)
Christos Agiakloglou and Apostolos Tsimpanos, Spurious Correlations for Stationary AR(1) Processes (this shows that you can even get the problem between stationary series; hence the tendency to pre-whiten)
The classic reference of Yule, (1926) [1] mentioned above.
You may also find the discussion here useful, as well as the discussion here
Using Pearson correlation in a meaningful way between time series is difficult and sometimes surprisingly subtle.
I looked up spurious correlation, but I don't care if my A series is the cause of my B series or vice versa. I only want to know if you can learn something about series A by looking at what series B is doing (or vice versa). In other words - do they have an correlation.
Take note of my previous comment about the narrow use of the term spurious correlation in the Wikipedia article.
The point about spurious correlation is that series can appear correlated, but the correlation itself is not meaningful. Consider two people tossing two distinct coins counting number of heads so far minus number of tails so far as the value of their series.
(So if person 1 tosses $\text{HTHH...}$ they have 3-1 = 2 for the value at the 4th time step, and their series goes $1, 0, 1, 2,...$.)
Obviously there's no connection between the two series. Clearly neither can tell you the first thing about the other!
But look at the sort of correlations you get between pairs of coins:
If I didn't tell you what those were, and you took any pair of those series by themselves, those would be impressive correlations would they not?
But they're all meaningless. Utterly spurious. None of the three pairs are really any more positively or negatively related to each other than any of the others -- its just cumulated noise (and for people thinking an edit would improve this, yes, I really do mean to write, cumulated, as in the inverse of differencing, not accumulated, which would be the total, please desist from 'fixing' this). The spuriousness isn't just about prediction, the whole notion of considering association between series without taking account of the within-series dependence is misplaced.
All you have here is within-series dependence. There's no actual cross-series relation at all.
Once you deal properly with the issue that makes these series auto-dependent - they're all integrated (Bernoulli random walks), so you need to difference (yes, it's definitely difference NOT differentiate, I do not understand why people keep replacing a perfectly correct word with a very-much-incorrect word in my various time series posts, and other people blithely approve it) them - the "apparent" association disappears (the largest absolute cross-series correlation of the three is 0.048).
What that tells you is the truth -- the apparent association is a mere illusion caused by the dependence within-series.
Your question asked "how to use Pearson correlation correctly with time series" -- so please understand: if there's within-series dependence and you don't deal with it first, you won't be using it correctly.
Further, smoothing won't reduce the problem of serial dependence; quite the opposite -- it makes it even worse! Here are the correlations after smoothing (default loess smooth - of series vs index - performed in R):
coin1 coin2
coin2 0.9696378
coin3 -0.8829326 -0.7733559
They all got further from 0. They're all still nothing but meaningless noise, though now it's smoothed, accumulated noise. (By smoothing, we reduce the variability in the series we put into the correlation calculation, so that may be why the correlation goes up.)
${\dagger}$ Cointegrated series are an obvious exception.
[1]: Yule, G.U. (1926) "Why do we Sometimes get Nonsense-Correlations between Time-Series?" J.Roy.Stat.Soc., 89, 1, pp. 1-63 (