I have three regressions with the same IVs.
Equation 1: Y1 = X
Equation 2: Y1 = X
Equation 3: Y2 = X
X is a vector of IVs with B1-B8 coefficients. Equations 2 and 3 are tested on the same population (P1), and Equation 1 is a larger population (P2) which includes P1. Y1 and Y2 are different but similar measures for the same construct. Y2 is not available for the whole populations P2.
I would like to test for the equality of coefficient B1 across the three regressions. From my limited stats understanding, the Z test from Testing equality of coefficients from two different regressions (from Paternoster) is appropriate when the populations are independent. My populations are identical in Eq 2 and 3, but have different DVs. The populations P1 and P2 are definitely not independent, since P1 is a subset of P2.
Can someone provide guidance of whether there is an appropriate test of equality of coefficients B1 across the three populations? Perhaps the above-referenced Z-score will work?