It completely depends on the situation. You have to understand the context of your data or at least know how well others have performed before you. For balanced binary classification, then 46% is worse than tossing a coin. But let's say your model have identified a small group of start-up companies, where 46% increased their assets more than 10-fold the following year. Then the cost of false-positive is negligible and your model is performing incredibly well.
simple k-fold cross-validation code:
noise.factor = 2
#a data.matrix
X = replicate(vars,rnorm(obs))
true.coefs = rnorm(vars)
y = as.numeric(true.coefs %*% t(X)) + rnorm(obs) * noise.factor
#a simple kfold code
folds = split(sample(1:length(y)),1:kfold)
test.preds.matrix = foreach(i = folds,.combine=cbind) %do% {
Data.train = data.frame(X=X[-i,],Y=y[-i])
Data.test = data.frame(X=X[i ,],Y=y[ i])
lmf = lm(Y~.,Data.train)
test.pred = rep(0,length(y))
test.pred[i] = predict(lmf,Data.test)
#diagnostics plot
test.pred.vector = apply(test.preds.matrix,1,sum)