A box contains $5$ white and $2$ black balls. A coin with unknown $P(Head)=p$ is tossed once. If it lands HEADS then a white ball is added, else a black ball is added to the box. Then a ball is selected at random from the box. Given that the ball drawn is WHITE, find the Maximum Likelihood Estimator of $p$.
I find this problem quite confusing, really. It seems to be pretty straightforward and hence I am shocked by the substandard quality, else I am making some serious error. My attempt is as follows:
This is actually my likelihood of $p$ given the sample (my sample is WHITE ball). So this is maximized for $\hat{p}=1$. So $1$ (????) is the MLE for $p$. It is a constant estimator.
This is kind of weird. Any suggestion/correction/explanation is welcome.