I'm trying to make sense of these two statements about UMP (uniformly most powerful) tests:
If $g(t\mid\theta)~$ is a UMP then $~g(t\mid\theta_1)>k g(t\mid\theta_0)~\forall~t\in C$ and $g(t\mid\theta_1)<k g(t\mid\theta_0)~\forall~t\in C^c$
For $\mathbf X~i.i.d.~f(x\mid\theta): \theta\in\Omega\subset\mathcal R$ if $f(x\mid\theta)$ has an MLR in $T(x)$ and any $k$, a test that rejects $H_0 \iff T>k~$ is a UMP test of size $\alpha$ with $\alpha=P_{\theta_0}(T>k)$
Why are these statements not tautological? How are they not the definition of any one-tailed statistical test? What would be an example of a one-tailed statistical test that isn't a UMP?
Moreover, what is the relationship between LRT and UMP tests? I'm reviewing old exams where sometimes a question asks for an LRT and sometimes a UMP... Aren't all simple LRT tests UMP?