I have a situation where IVs positively correlate with the DV, and the IVs also correlate with eachother.
I do not explain how the beta weights are negative. No multicollinearity is detected, and the model is justified, and has an r-squared value of 5. Note for example, issue with Lev and Size; both correlate do DV CSRDI, both correlate to eachother, but negative beta for LEV and low significance?
This question specifically is asking about sign reversal. I am confused with this due to the lack of a multicollinarity issue. Lev and Size are correlated but not excessively, so why do IVs such as lev have a sign reversal in the regression model? Also is this classified as suppression? I am in no way a statistics expert and am only interested in understanding this for an assignment for my undergrad degree. So if possible, could you please explain in laymans terms. Thanks you
I was wondering if you anyone can explain this, and perhaps help with interpretation
is .438. That may not be 'problematic' multicollinearity, but it could still cause the sign to flip in the same way as described at the linked thread. $\endgroup$