Apparently Pearson's correlation coefficient is parametric and Spearman's rho is non-parametric.
I'm having trouble understanding this. As I understand it Pearson is computed as $$ r_{xy} = \frac{cov(X,Y)}{\sigma_x\sigma_y} $$ and Spearman is computed in the same way, except we substitute all values with their ranks.
Wikipedia says
The difference between parametric model and non-parametric model is that the former has a fixed number of parameters, while the latter grows the number of parameters with the amount of training data.
But I do not see any parameters except for the samples themselves. Some say that parametric tests assume normal distributions and go on to say that Pearson does assume normal distributed data, but I fail to see why Pearson would require that.
So my question is what do parametric and non-parametric mean in the context of statistics? And how do Pearson and Spearman fit in there?