I'm confused on how to evaluate the posterior predictive distribution for Bayesian linear regression, past the basic case described here on page 3, and copied below.
$$ p(\tilde y \mid y) = \int p(\tilde y \mid \beta, \sigma^2) p(\beta, \sigma^2 \mid y) $$
The basic case is this linear regression model:
$$ y = X \beta + \epsilon, \hspace{10mm} y \sim N(X \beta, \sigma^2)$$
If we use either a uniform prior on $\beta$, with a scale-Inv$\chi^2$ prior on $\sigma^2$, OR the normal-inverse-gamma prior (see here) the posterior predictive distribution is analytic and is student t.
What about for this model? $$ y = X \beta + \epsilon, \hspace{10mm} y \sim N(X \beta, \Sigma)$$
When $y \sim N(X\beta, \Sigma)$, but $\Sigma$ is known, the posterior predictive distribution is multivariate Gaussian. Usually, you don't know $\Sigma$, but have to estimate it. Maybe you say its diagonal and make the diagonal a function of the covariates in some way. This is discussed in the linear regression chapter of Gelman's Bayesian Data Analysis.
Is there an analytic form for the posterior predictive distribution in this case? Can I just plug my estimate of it into a multivariate student t? If you estimate more than one variance, is the distribution still multivariate student t?
I am asking because say I have some $\tilde y$ already on hand. I want to know whether it is more likely to have been predicted by e.g. linear regression A, linear regression B