You certainly don't want to build 3,000 separate models! Not only would that be computationally and administratively cumbersome, but it would also mean that each model only has data from one customer, and so you are ignoring data from other customers in each model. This would effectively mean that your predictions for a customer are based solely on their individual (small) dataset, and you are not using the (large) dataset from other customers to help with any aspect of your prediction.
A much better approach than that monstrosity would be to formulate some kind of general time-series model that has an effect term for each customer. There are many ways this could be done, and the ultimate test is to see what model fits your data well, and makes good out-of-sample predictions. Here is an example of a simple model to get you started thinking about the possibilities.
An example model: If you let $X_{i,t}$ be the log-revenue for customer $i$ at time $t$ you could formulate a simple Gaussian ARIMA model including customer-level mean and variance effects as:
$$\phi(B) \Delta^d (X_{i,t} - \mu_i) = \theta(B) \sigma_i \varepsilon_t \quad \quad \quad \varepsilon_t \sim \text{IID N}(0,1),$$
where the AR and MA characteristic polynomials are:
$$\phi(B) = 1 - \phi_1 B - ... - \phi_p B^p \quad \quad \quad \theta(B) = 1 + \theta_1 B + ... + \theta_q B^q.$$
As you can see, this is a standard Gaussian ARIMA model, but with each series varying with a different mean and variance parameter, for each customer. Once you have used the data to estimate the parameters you could then make predictions for an individual customer based on their estimated mean and variance in the series. Some customers give you more revenue, so they will have a higher mean. Some customers vary their revenue more, so they will have a higher variance. Nevertheless, other aspects of the model are estimated using the data from all the customers.
It is important to note that there are many variations you could make to this model, such as using customer-level random effects, or a hidden-state process with another time-series process for the underlying mean for each customer. Really, there are all sorts of variations you could make, and you will need to see what fits your data. However, this kind of model has the advantage that all the data is used simultaneously to estimate the parameters, so the prediction for an individual customer still depends on all the data.