I have the following model: $y=a_0+a_1(x_1/z_1)+a_2(x_2)+e $, where
$y$ = the average log of variable y,
$x_1$ = the average ratio of $ x_1/z_1 $,
$x_2$ = is the averae log of the variable $x_2$.
The values of the coefficients are :
The data are cross-sectional macroeconomic variables.
I wonder how can I interpret these coefficients since i am confused from some similar papers that i have seen they inerpret it with different ways. I mean in one paper says:
" 1% increase of x1 increases y by 1.2% but another paper says 0.012%" and the same with the x2 which is log " the first says 4.9% and the second 0.049%"
which of them are correct?