So, you have a very long timeseries, that is observations of some variable (here failure time) in time sequence. You ask two questions: 1) are the observations independent? 2) do they all have the same marginal distribution?
As for the first question, timeseries are seldom independent. As you say, the autocorrelation function can be useful to investigate this. I will concentrate on the second question: Are all the marginal distributions identical? In that form, in that generality, the question cannot be answered. All statistical analysis needs some assumptions, and assumptions about equal distribution are among the most basic ones. But, to even talk about a distribution, we need an assumption that some individual properties of objects (here electronic components that may fail) are unimportant. So, we are not really interested in each component individually, only in some aggregate properties, and the distribution of failure times is one such. But, still it might be the case that there are some differences in these aggregate properties: components might come from different sources (brands, production lines, ...) so you might aggregate data according to such factors and ask: Is the distribution of failure time the same in each group? Draw a histogram for each group, and compare.
Another possibility is some slow drift with time in the distributions, it might be caused by some drift in properties of the production process, or of the measurement process. So, divide the data into some (10 or more) nonoverlapping intervals, make a histogram for each, and compare them. You might also use some more formal analysis such as changepoint analysis. See this list: for some relevant CV posts.