Following the explanations in What is the baseline level in a factor-by-factor interaction?, it is my understanding that a factor-by-factor interaction term has no literal interpretation. At the very least, it has no clear, straightforward interpretation...
Consider this example from Fox 2003. In the regression below, these two variables are categorical: year={1997,..,2002}
and colour={black,white}
Arrests$year <- as.factor(Arrests$year)
arrests.mod <- glm(released ~ employed + citizen + checks
+ colour*year + colour*age,
family=binomial, data=Arrests)
Which yields:
> coeftest(arrests.mod)
z test of coefficients:
Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)
(Intercept) 0.3444334 0.3100749 1.1108 0.2666514
employedYes 0.7350645 0.0847701 8.6713 < 2.2e-16 ***
citizenYes 0.5859841 0.1137717 5.1505 2.598e-07 ***
checks -0.3666425 0.0260322 -14.0842 < 2.2e-16 ***
colourWhite 1.2125167 0.3497751 3.4666 0.0005272 ***
year1998 -0.4311794 0.2603589 -1.6561 0.0977023 .
year1999 -0.0944343 0.2615447 -0.3611 0.7180519
year2000 -0.0108975 0.2592073 -0.0420 0.9664655
year2001 0.2430630 0.2630151 0.9241 0.3554129
year2002 0.2129549 0.3532786 0.6028 0.5466444
age 0.0287279 0.0086191 3.3330 0.0008590 ***
colourWhite:year1998 0.6519565 0.3134898 2.0797 0.0375555 *
colourWhite:year1999 0.1559504 0.3070430 0.5079 0.6115161
colourWhite:year2000 0.2957537 0.3062034 0.9659 0.3341076
colourWhite:year2001 -0.3805413 0.3040538 -1.2516 0.2107305
colourWhite:year2002 -0.6173178 0.4192551 -1.4724 0.1409086
colourWhite:age -0.0373729 0.0102003 -3.6639 0.0002484 ***
Signif. codes: 0 ‘***’ 0.001 ‘**’ 0.01 ‘*’ 0.05 ‘.’ 0.1 ‘ ’ 1
In the table above, how would one interpret the coefficient for e.g. colourWhite:year1998
(significant at 5%)?
Since the baseline level is colourBlack:year1997
(or the Intercept
), the level for Blacks in 1998 would be computed as follows:
Intercept + year1998
Whereas the level for Whites in 1998 would be:
Intercept + year1998 + colourWhite + colourWhite:year1998
Thus it seems to me that the coefficient for colourWhite:year1998
doesn't stand for much, really. At least it doesn't look like having any intuitive, straightforward interpretation. Does it?