I am analyzing some data where the variables of interests are circular (angles). I use R and the circular
In my dataset, every observation consists in a 2D Euclidean vector representing a movement on a plane (the length is constant, only the angle varies), together with a measure of a response to that movement, expressed as displacement in cartesian coordinates (i.e. the displacement along the x and y axis). I would like to fit a model where the initial movement (either the x-y cartesian representation or only the angle, since the length is constant) is the response variable. Ultimately, I would like to use the fitted model to estimate the initial movement vector in a related dataset where I only know the response to the movement.
My measurement of the response to the movement are affected by noise, independent over x and y dimensions, with possibly different variances and different additive biases. To represent graphically the problem, what I want to do is estimate the direction of the original vectors (gray thick arrows in the figure below) starting from the noisy measurements (the thin black arrows).
I have tried fitting different models:
- one model with both predictor and dependent variable being circular (the angle of the initial movement vector, and the angle computed from the (x,y) displacement)
- one multivariate, linear model, with the cartesian (x,y) components of the initial movement as dependent variables, and the measured x,y displacement as linear predictors;
- one model with circular dependent variable, and linear predictor (this last one with no success)
First, I wasn't able to fit the 3rd model for some reason that I don't understand. I report here a reproducible example
theta <- circular(runif(500,0,2*pi),units="radians",type="angles",zero=0,rotation="counter")
rho <- rep(8,500)
# add measurement noise (different for x and y)
mX <- as.numeric(rnorm(500,0,2) + rho * cos(theta))
mY <- as.numeric(rnorm(500,-1,1) + rho * sin(theta))
linearPred <- cbind(mX,mY)
# fit model
mcl <- lm.circular(y=theta, x=linearPred,init=c(1,1), type="c-l",verbose=T)
Here is the output:
> mcl <- lm.circular(y=theta, x=linearPred,init=c(1,1), type="c-l",verbose=T)
Iteration 1 : Log-Likelihood = 2.392981
Iteration 2 : Log-Likelihood = 1.082084
Iteration 3 : Log-Likelihood = 0.8013503
Iteration 4 : Log-Likelihood = NA
Error in while (diff > tol) { :
valore mancante dove è richiesto TRUE/FALSE
(the last line says: missing value where a TRUE/FALSE was required). Can anyone shed light on this? I don't understand where this error comes from.
Second question, which model would you suggest to use among the first two? Here is the code that I used for the two models
# fit sin(theta) and cos(theta) with a multivariate linear model
mmv <- lm(cbind(sin(theta),cos(theta)) ~ mX+mY)
# "circular-circular" model
angularPred <- circular(atan2(mY,mX),units="radians",type="angles",zero=0,rotation="counter")
mcc <- lm.circular(y=theta, x=angularPred, type="c-c")
I can compute the angle from the multivariate fitted values as atan2(mmv$fitted[,1],mmv$fitted[,2])
. Both seems to perform similarly in terms of mean angular error. To compare the two I computed the correlation between the predicted angles and the initial angle theta
(Jammalamadaka - Sarma correlation coefficient), and the multivariate model seems to perform slightly better:
fitted.mmv <- circular(atan2(mmv$fitted[,1],mmv$fitted[,2]),units="radians",type="angles",zero=0,rotation="counter")
> cor.circular(fitted.mmv,theta) # multivariate
[1] 0.9851422
> cor.circular(mcc$fitted,theta) # "circular-circular"
[1] 0.7262862
However, the distribution of residuals of the multivariate model shows a strange pattern (figure below).
Is this pattern in the residuals a problem? Can anyone gives some advice on this? Which model would you use in this case? Is there any other possible approach that you would recommend? Any advice is appreciated, thanks!