One possibility is to take a Bayesian approach using a Beta-Binomial model using Mote Carlo simulations. Specifically, we put independent $\mathrm{Beta}(\alpha_1, \beta_1)$ and $\mathrm{Beta}(\alpha_2, \beta_2)$ priors on $p_1$ and $p_2$, respectively. The posterior for $p_1$ and $p_2$ are independent Beta distributions. The posterior for $p_1$ is a $\mathrm{Beta}(\alpha_1 + x, n-x + \beta_1)$ distribution where $x$ denotes the number of sucesses and $n$ the sample size. By choosing $\alpha_1 = \alpha_2 = \beta_1 = \beta_2 = 1$, we put a uniform distribution on $p_1$ and $p_2$.
Computationally we could proceed as follows:
- Generate $N$ samples from a $\mathrm{Beta}(\alpha_1 + x_1, n_1 - x_1 + \beta_1)$ and $\mathrm{Beta}(x_2 + \alpha_2, n_2 - x_2 +\beta_2)$ distribution (the posteriors).
- Calculate the difference of the posteriors.
- Summarize the posterior (using quantiles to calculate a credible interval, for example). One could also calculate a "Bayesian p-value" by counting the number of samples of the difference that exceed 0.
Here is an R-function that does this:
bayes.prop <- function(x, n, alpha1 = 1, beta1 = 1, alpha2 = 1, beta2 = 1, nsim = 1000, sig.level = 0.95) {
p1 <- rbeta(nsim, x[1] + alpha1, n[1] - x[1] + beta1)
p2 <- rbeta(nsim, x[2] + alpha2, n[2] - x[2] + beta2)
rd <- p1 - p2
quants <- quantile(rd, c((1-sig.level)/2, (1 + sig.level)/2))
p.above <- sum(rd > 0)/length(rd)
p.below <- sum(rd < 0)/length(rd)
p.two.side <- 2*min(p.above, p.below)
list(quants = quants, p.val.two = p.two.side, p.greater = p.above, p.less = p.below)
For a more sophisticated implementation, check out Rasmus Bååth's blog on this topic.