Suppose I have an NxM matrix with real entries $S_{n,m}$ which are iid with zero mean. Say $n \in [0, 1, ..., N-1], m \in [0, 1, ..., M-1]$.
From $S_{n,m}$ I can compute the 2D discrete fourier transform: $$\eta_{j,l} = \sum_{n=0}^{N-1} \sum_{m=0}^{M-1} S_{n,m}~e^{-2\pi i (nj/N + ml/M)} $$ which has amplitude matrix $F_{j,l}$ and phase matrix $\Phi_{j,l}$, defined from: $$ \eta_{j,l} = F_{j,l} e^{i\Phi_{j,l}}$$
Overall Question: Does the phase matrix $\Phi_{j,l}$ alone contain significant information about the distribution from which the $S_{n,m}$ were drawn? I have a situation where I can only know $\Phi_{j,l}$, and want to infer something about the distribution of the $S_{n,m}$.
Concrete Example (this is the kind of thing I'd like to do):
Suppose I have two phase matrices $\Phi_{j,l}^{A}$ and $\Phi_{j,l}^{B}$. I know that one of them was generated from an $S_{n,m}$ matrix drawn from the t-distribution with high degrees-of-freedom = 1000 (so it's close to the normal distribution), while the other was drawn from a t-distribution with degrees-of-freedom = 2 (very heavy tails). I don't have the associated amplitude matrices.
Is there any hope of deriving a procedure to determine which distribution was used to produce which phase matrix, with a better than 50% success rate? If so, what kind of methods can be used?
EDIT (following some further investigation):
Experimentally the answer seems to be 'yes, at least in some cases' -- but I would appreciate an explanation of why.
Firstly, since the phase is unaffected by positive rescaling of $S_{n,m}$, we could never hope to detect differences in the scale of two distributions used to generate them. But it seems we can detect other differences.
Experimentally, say $Y_{n,m}$ is the inverse DFT of $e^{i\Phi_{j,l}}$ (like looking at the original image with all amplitudes set to 1). The code below investigates the distribution of this in the example above. It appears the Kurtosis of $Y_{n,m}$ is generally much higher for the low degrees-of-freedom t-distribution -- so for this particular problem, we would have a good chance of determining the correct parent distribution from the phase alone.
Can anyone explain why the disribution of $Y_{n,m}$ retains some information on the kurtosis of the distribution? This is not obvious to me.
n = length(x)
n * sum((x - mean(x))^4)/(sum((x - mean(x))^2)^2)
N = 20
M = 20
nreps = 20
kurtosis1000_store = rep(NA, nreps)
kurtosis2_store = rep(NA, nreps)
pdf('Inverse_dft_phase_plots.pdf', width=8, height=8)
for(i in 1:nreps){
# This S uses the t-distribution with a large df = 1000
S_t1000 = matrix( rt(400, df=1000), ncol = M, nrow = N)
# This S uses the t-distribution with a small df = 2 (finite mean but not
# variance)
S_t2 = matrix( rt(400, df=2), ncol = M, nrow = N)
# Phase
Phase_t1000 = Arg(fft(S_t1000))
Phase_t2 = Arg(fft(S_t2))
# If we only have these phase matrices, could we make a statistical test to
# determine which came from the low-df / high-df distributions?
# Try to look at the inverse DFT exp(i*Phase)
# There seem to be obvious differences (the one associated with df=2 has
# heavier outliers, greater kurtosis, etc)
t1000 = Re(fft(exp(1i*Phase_t1000), inverse=T)/(N*M))
t2 = Re(fft(exp(1i*Phase_t2), inverse=T)/(N*M))
image(t1000, main='df = 1000')
image(t2, main='df = 2')
hist(t1000, main='df = 1000')
hist(t2, main='df = 2')
kurtosis1000_store[i] = kurtosis(t1000)
kurtosis2_store[i] = kurtosis(t2)
This leads to
> summary(kurtosis1000_store)
Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
2.680 2.817 2.921 2.946 3.029 3.471
> summary(kurtosis2_store)
Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
5.548 19.880 56.040 86.500 120.500 310.400