I have coded up a simple real-value regression RNN in theano.
- What kind of dataset should I test it on?
- How should I go about testing it?
My structure is:
- Univariate (for now) timeseries, $x_{in}(t)$
- $n_{Input Nodes}$ separated by ~equal timesteps, $t_{step}$. Where, $n_{Input Nodes}$ should be sufficiently large to capture a recurrence in the data
- $n_{Hidden Nodes} = n_{Input Nodes}$
- A prediction time lag following the final Input Node of, $lt_{step}$, where $l$ is an integer
- One Output Node taken from the final hidden node, giving a prediction, at $t_{p}=t+lt_{step}$
- $x_{p}(t_p)$ is the prediction of $x_{in}(t_p)$ in training data
- Error by R.M.S.E. $\sqrt{\left(x_{in}(t_p)-x_{p}(t_p)\right)^2}$
- Finally, each node in the hidden layer feeds through to the weight at the next timestep
Tested $y=sin(t) + 0.2*\epsilon$, where $\epsilon \sim N(0,1)$, in a sliding window. I used a historic lag of 5 data points, $y(t-5, t-4, ... , t)$, and tried to predict the following point in the curve, $y(t+1)$.
I only used 100 noisey versions of $sin(x)$ over 100 epochs for training. Results weren't too bad...
Thanks for the help. Code seems bug free so I'll optimise for GPU & mini-batches and ramp it up with more up to date algorithms.
or said on other way: it is for a homework, for a thesiswork, for a real application? $\endgroup$