Suppose $X_1,X_2,...,X_n$ are i.i.d. $\mathrm{Bernoulli}(\theta)$. We are interested in testing the hypotheses $$H_0:\theta\leq\theta_0$$vs. $$H_1:\theta>\theta_0$$ Show that if we use the Likelihood Ratio Test, then we will end up with the test $$\text{Reject}\space H_0 \space\text{if}\space\sum_{i=1}^nX_i>b$$for some positive constant $b$.
We know that for a likelihood ratio test, if $T(X)$ is a sufficient statistic then it is equivalent to consider the rejection region w.r.t. $T$. Now $T(X)=\sum_{i=1}^nX_i$ is a sufficient statistic which follows a $\mathrm{Binomial}(n,\theta)$ distribution.
I observe that my LRT statistic has the following form:
$$\lambda(X)=\dfrac{\sup_{\theta\leq \theta_0}g(T(X)|\theta)}{\sup_{\theta\in[0,1]}g(T(X)|\theta)}$$ where $g$ is the pmf of $T(X)$;$g(y)=$$n\choose y$$\theta^y(1-\theta)^{n-y}$.
Also I observe, after some calculations, that $$\lambda(X)=1,\space\text{if}\space T(X)\leq n\theta_0 $$ and $$\lambda(X)=\left(\dfrac{n\theta_0}{T(X)}\right)^{T(X)}\left(\dfrac{n-n\theta_0}{n-T(X)}\right)^{n-T(X)}\space\text{if}\space T(X)>n\theta_0$$
I do not know what my conclusion will be once I write $\lambda(X)<c$ for some $c\in[0,1]$. Clearly $T(X)>n\theta_0$ is the case to be considered but the expression of $\lambda(X)$ is not really yielding anything.