Let $X_1,...,X_n$ random sample of $X$~$exp(\theta)$.
i) Find a exact confidence interval for $\theta$ with coefficient of confidence equal to $\gamma$
ii)Find a asymptotic confidence interval for $\theta$, with coefficient of confidence approximately $\gamma$
What I did
i)Let $Q(X;\theta)=2\theta\sum X_i$~$\chi^2_{2n}$ then $P(q_1\leq Q(X;\theta)\leq q_2)=\gamma$, that $q_1$ and $q_2$ are founded from values of the chi-square distribution. $$P(q_1\leq 2\theta\sum X_i\leq q_2)=P(\frac{q_1}{\sum X_i}\leq\theta\leq\frac{q_2}{\sum X_i})=\gamma$$ then $IC[\gamma;\theta]=[\frac{q_1}{\sum X_i};\frac{q_2}{\sum X_i}]$
ii) Here I am a little lost on how to proceed, I have to try to approach by the normal using delta or something method?
EDIT: If $\overline{X}$~$N(\frac{1}{\theta},\frac{1}{n\theta^2})$ if I take $\theta\overline{X}$ $$E[\theta\overline{X}]=\theta E[\frac{1}{n}\sum X_i]=\theta E[X_1]=\theta\frac{1}{\theta}=1$$ $$Var(\theta\overline{X})=\theta^2 Var(\overline{X})=\theta^2 Var(\frac{1}{n}\sum X_i)=\frac{\theta^2}{n^2}Var(\sum X_i)=\frac{\theta^2}{n}Var(X_1)=\frac{1}{n}$$
It's a $N(1,\frac{1}{n})$?
That's a guess not know if I can do this and not if it's right, waiting for someone more experienced.