I have estimated a random effects model with an unbalanced panel. I would like to know if Stata gives each individual the same weight when estimating the coefficients or whether each individual is weighted differently depending on the time units(year) available.
I have tried to find the answer here and in the usual documentation of xtreg
unsuccessfully so far. Any comment/source hugely appreciated!
In my case, I want to estimate a model like for instance E.g. $$ wage = \beta_{1} + \beta_{2}educ + \beta_{3}experience + \epsilon $$
Some individuals have observations for all the years in the panel, others have missing years. The $\beta$ estimated in the model with the xtreg ... ,re
command, are they giving the same weight to all the individuals regardless of some having less observations (missing years)? Or, on the contrary, those individuals with observations for all years will have "more leverage/influence" than the individuals with missing years?