I just started fooling around with R and I am quite struggling with mixed models: I have the following experimental layout:
Seven different viruses, including ctrl virus;
27 mice, randomly infected with one virus, resulting in 7 groups of 3 to 5 mice;
followed daily over 21 days, resulting in cumulative clinical score
Now I want to analyse the data and see how the virus has an impact on the cumulative clinical score, when compared to ctrl virus. Initially I thought using a linear mixed model with Virus (Vir_) and time (Day) as fixed effects, but then V_Vir1_Vir15 is not significantly different from Ctrl virus, whereas NV_Vir8 is, which I cannot understand in respect to the graph.
> lNull3 <- lme(score ~ Day * Vir_,data=LinMixOK3, random= ~ 1 | Mouse, method='REML')
> summary(lNull3)
Linear mixed-effects model fit by REML
Data: LinMixOK3
AIC BIC logLik
3822.383 3892.192 -1895.192
Random effects:
Formula: ~1 | Mouse
(Intercept) Residual
StdDev: 2.030927 5.778948
Fixed effects: score ~ Day * Vir_
Value Std.Error DF t-value p-value
(Intercept) -0.048221 1.4000504 564 -0.034443 0.9725
Day 0.118012 0.0868499 564 1.358809 0.1748
Vir_NV_Vir1_Vir15 -5.636561 2.1000756 564 -2.683980 0.0075
Vir_NV_Vir8 -5.386561 2.1000756 564 -2.564937 0.0106
Vir_V_Vir1_Vir15 -2.113834 2.1000756 564 -1.006551 0.3146
Vir_V_Vir8 0.077866 2.1000756 564 0.037078 0.9704
Vir_Vir1 0.909881 2.2862728 16 0.397976 0.6959
Vir_Vir15 1.442161 2.2862728 16 0.630791 0.5371
Day:Vir_NV_Vir1_Vir15 2.200452 0.1302749 564 16.890835 0.0000
Day:Vir_NV_Vir8 1.463439 0.1302749 564 11.233467 0.0000
Day:Vir_V_Vir1_Vir15 1.700452 0.1302749 564 13.052797 0.0000
Day:Vir_V_Vir8 -0.007199 0.1302749 564 -0.055263 0.9559
Day:Vir_Vir1 0.267457 0.1418253 564 1.885821 0.0598
Day:Vir_Vir15 0.111425 0.1418253 564 0.785648 0.4324
However in the Day:Virus interaction results Day:Vir_NV_Vir1_Vir15, Day:Vir_NV_Vir8 and Day:Vir_V_Vir1_Vir15 are all significant.
On the other hand, when only considering the virus effect, results are consistent with the graph:
> lNull3b<- lme(score ~ Vir_,data=LinMixOK3, random= ~ 1 | Mouse, method='REML')
> summary(lNull3b)
Linear mixed-effects model fit by REML
Data: LinMixOK3
AIC BIC logLik
4443.458 4482.834 -2212.729
Random effects:
Formula: ~1 | Mouse
(Intercept) Residual
StdDev: 1.654594 10.14644
Fixed effects: score ~ Vir_
Value Std.Error DF t-value p-value
(Intercept) 1.190909 1.217969 571 0.977783 0.3286
Vir_NV_Vir1_Vir15 17.468182 1.826953 571 9.561376 0.0000
Vir_NV_Vir8 9.979545 1.826953 571 5.462399 0.0000
Vir_V_Vir1_Vir15 15.740909 1.826953 571 8.615937 0.0000
Vir_V_Vir8 0.002273 1.826953 571 0.001244 0.9990
Vir_Vir1 3.718182 1.988934 16 1.869434 0.0800
Vir_Vir15 2.612121 1.988934 16 1.313327 0.2076
Where does this come from ? How should I interpret this ? Is my approach right ?
I use R, so an example in R would be nice.
Thanks !