Yes, PCA on time series is performed all the time in financial engineering (quantitative finance) and neurology.
In financial engineering, the data matrix is constructed with assets (e.g., stocks) in columns which represent the features, and the rows representing e.g. days (or objects) for end-of-day trading. Thus, the the data matrix $\underset{t \times p}{\bf X}$ has $t$ rows and $p$ columns. However, note that log-returns, $r_t=\log(P_t) - \log(P_{t-1}) = \log(P_t/P_{t-1})$, are used since daily prices are log-normally distributed -- i.e., skewed with right tails. Since there are 250 trading days/year, it's appropriate to fetch 1000 days of data which represents 4 years of trading. Since the same unit (e.g. USD) is usually used for daily log-price returns, the $p \times p$ covariance matrix for features is used for eigendecomposition. Otherwise, if different currencies are used, the correlation matrix is used for eigendecomposition, since correlation mean-zero standardizes the columns of $\bf{X}$. When done running PCA on assets, you can look at which stocks load on which PCs, a sort of clustering approach, or use the PC scores for input into other analyses. PCA is also run on the $t \times t$ covariance matrix for days, with assets in rows, in order to collapse days that correlate together into a single PC, since the general idea is that days can be redundant -- and when feeding data into e.g. a neural network, you don't want data rows to be redundant or features to be correlated (you want them to be orthogonal), since a neural net will waste time on learning the correlation. This approach does not focus on autocorrelation, however.
In quantitative finance, there is also a large interest in first finding the noise cutoff in eigenvalues of the covariance (correlation) matrix for many assets in order to improve (Markowitzian) portfolio optimization, since you want a portfolio that sits on the "efficient frontier" with assets that are uncorrelated. This approach exploits the Marcenko-Pastur law and the ratio $\gamma=t/n$ of the data matrix $\bf{X}$ for fitting the eigenvalue density, and finding the noise cuttoff known as $\lambda^+$, above which eigenvalues represent the signal, and below which eigenvalues represent noise. Once the noise eigenvalues are identified, the new dataset is based on (multivariate) regression of the original data on the PC scores representing the noise eigenvectors, $\mathbf{Y}=\mathbf{F}_n \beta$, and the residuals are then used as the denoised dataset, i.e., $\hat{\bf{X}}=\bf{Y}-\hat{\bf{Y}}$. Wealth values (cumulative return) from portfolios constructed using weights derived from the new dataset (residuals) have been shown to be much greater than without using this approach. Last, there's also a basic method to remove the "market effect" or widespread correlation among stock returns by regressing the asset data on the first PC representing the major (greatest) eigenvalue, $\mathbf{Y}=\mathbf{f}_1 \beta$, and pulling back the residuals to represent the new data, which will have the widespread market correlation removed. (since the first PC always represents stocks with high multicollinearity). This approach addresses market sentiment hinged to "herd-mentality."
In neurology, PCA is run on time-series for action potentials in different wavelength bands obtained from an EEG. Transforming the action potentials into orthogonal (uncorrelated) PC score vectors and inputting the PCs into other analyses is the primary means by which statistical power was increased in statistical genetic modelling of complex traits for behavioral genetics (since phenotypes for e.g. bi-polar, novelty-seeking, schizotypal, schozephrenia often overlap). The large Australian genetic twin studies were instrumental in parsing out these overlapping traits in behavioral genetics, because if there are disease differences among identical twins which are reared together (grow up in the same household), causal inference may point to exposure in different environments when they were older instead of their identical genetics. (identical twins "share 100% of their genes all the time").